The world is currently facing turmoil due to the unexpected pandemic- COVID 19. The frontliners have played a vital role in handling the situation and making life easier for citizens. With this blog I intend to highlight certain measures that every citizen can take for the good, during these testing times.
1. Check up on elderly people around us
Our recent campaign in Pune has led us to believe that the elderly population is in need of daily essentials like vegetables, groceries, medicines etc. The youth should keep checking up on elderly citizens in our neighbourhood and reach out to them in order to fulfil their requirements. When we step out to buy groceries for ourselves, we can buy necessities for them too. Even after their daily needs are met, I believe we should still keep checking up on them and enquire about their health. This will instill a great amount of confidence in them in these tough times.
2. Sign Up for group initiatives in helping the healthcare and delivery industry
Our country is in need of volunteers not only in medical field but also responsible citizens who can help the vulnerable sections of the society through group initiatives like delivery of food packages, distribution of meals, helping the frontline workers in multiple ways. A number of NGOs are also working tirelessly to deliver food packets, meals and commodities to people who are in need and also welcoming volunteers to their team. Action for Pune Development has been collaborating with volunteers and presently has over 80 volunteers across Pune city to extend their support for the cause of reaching out to senior citizens.
3. Awareness and Appraisal
Staying updated with the latest advisories is very important to overcome this pandemic. Advisories are being issued by both the WHO and the Government separately for citizens as well as health care workers. Following and obeying these advisories is important to avoid infecting self with this deadly disease. Citizens are advised to download the “Aarogya Setu” developed by our government for tracking of cases in and around us.
WHO advisory webpage link:-
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Govt Of India:-
You can find all the relevant information to COVID-19 on these webpages.
4. Do not hoard commodities and stock up in excess
A number of citizens have been over-buying and clearing out the stocks of essentials in shops during the lockdown. Due to this, the remaining citizens are facing a shortage of basic commodities. It would be in the best interest of everyone if citizens only buy required amounts of essentials as this would not only ensure availability of goods for everyone but also help us saving some extra money for unforeseen expenses.
5. Conserve resources like water and electricity.
Since we are staying at home and working from home, we should ensure that we use electricity and water sparingly. During summer season there could be a shortage of water and electricity in certain areas. It is our duty to conserve natural resources and only make optimum use of them. Make sure that you switch on lights only where it is needed and do not overuse water while washing hands or cleaning the house.
6. Take care of stray animals and birds in your vicinity
Provide food and water to stray animals and birds as they are dependent on us to a great extent. All you can do is, place a bowl of water outside your house or in your balcony along with some food grains, bread, biscuits, rotis, etc. This would be greatly helpful.
7. Avoid Wastage of food and groceries
You can help out your domestic help, if they stay nearby, or any poor people living on the streets with excess food prepared at home. Kindly ensure that you do not waste any extra food and instead provide it to persons who cannot make two ends meet in these testing times. Several NGOs are working to connect people who have excess food leftovers and then make it reach people who are deprived of food.
These are just a few things that we can do on our part during this crisis to make life better for people around us. I would specially encourage the youth to take a step forward and shoulder the responsibility of making a worthwhile contribution for the betterment of everyone. Being the youth, the future of the country lies in our hands and we essentially need to take special efforts for the greater good.
Join the fight against coronavirus! Stay safe!
Reported by
Radheya Kulkarni